Thursday, February 25, 2016


Today is the deadline to turn in all signatures on the "Petition in Lieu of Filing Fee" forms!
Thanks to the neighbors who signed (and a few who collected signatures) for me. 
Interesting to note: Filing fee is $1133.60 - each signature is worth .25 - it would take approximately 4535 signatures to make the fee.
That is more than half of the votes received by the District 4 incumbent (Steve Kinsey) in the last election. Plus, given that District 4 is spread so far and wide, it would have cost more $ to drive all over to collect signatures than hold a FUNdraiser.
So - hope to see you on March 5th some time between NOON and 2:00 pm at the FIRESIDE - 115 Shoreline Highway, Mill Valley. 
Parking is limited, so please walk, bike, bus or carpool.
