Saturday, December 12, 2020

Benefit Concert for Fair Fight And The Ossoff/Warnock Campaigns: Georgia Voices For A Blue Senate

These are times that require empathetic, committed and experienced leadership. Until we are able to remove money from politics, we have to understand the current reality. 
When some folks do not play by the rules, it takes more of us to engage in the process. 
This is the only way we can create a more effective union of self governance.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Love and Light

 Wishing you the ability to see the light and feel the love within. I don't imagine that many folks will see this blog entry, but the point is, I expressed it. 



Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A Home for Icelynn and Greg

I shared this story on my facebook feed recently. 
Thankfully, one of Greg's friends starred a GoFundMe. 
Please read, share, and if you can, donate. 


A Home for Icelynn and Greg

Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Work Continues

Experience is the best teacher. 
Let us begin anew. 
Teamwork makes the dreamwork!


Monday, November 2, 2020

Friday, October 23, 2020

The Final Debate : Observations

I took a personal day to start the lengthy and emotionally charged task of going through and clearing out a large storage space. I notice how my things are now mixed in a box with my husband's, as if either of us has ever been not part of the other, as if any of us can be separated in this world. After all, we are all connected. Pardon me as I repeat myself. 

After a day of many hand washings, I cross paths with his latest musical project. Name not revealed to protect the creative process and to prevent the vaporware syndrome. Best to just let it happen, you will find out about it when it is finished. 

As for this election, I already voted. We voted together. 

Yesterday, I found myself commenting on a thread of a distant cousin by marriage, after said cousin revealed she is Trump supporter. I was surprised, but not too surprised. It provided clarity on one thing and confusion on another. Her mom also commented. These are otherwise talented and pleasant people. Anyway, here is my comment: 

 "I understand that we are a country and a world made up of many opinions and perspectives, and that more of us are turned off to "politics" for many reasons. I want to protect Medicare, Social Security, the USPS, our fellow citizens' voting rights and a woman's autonomy over her own health. I see Republican officials doing everything they can to take these things away. Plus, I don't think anyone with a gold toilet should be running for public office, let alone be POTUS. As far as labels are concerned, I find them limiting. 
See you on the other side of this mess. May peace with you, and God Bless America."

If you are interested, here are my thoughts on the debate: 

According to the online Oxford Dictionary the word politician has two definitions. I was only able to copy and paste one. However, I was able to screenshot both: 

    a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office.
    "a local politician"
    Member of Parliament
    political leader
    public servant
    elected official
    • US
      a person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization.

Friday, October 2, 2020

AP Fact Check

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Whistleblower : Women Are Being Sterilized Without Informed Consent

When we see people doing wrong, we need to speak up. 

Too often, wrongdoing is disguised as being "for your own good."  


Missed Opportunity: SB 145

 Why, oh why, do we make things so difficult? 

I find myself puzzled by this law that Governor Newsom just signed into law: SB 145.

If the intent of the law is to address cases where two people are close in age, then why not make that clear, and address the 10 year age gap?  

How is a 14 year old of any gender or sexual orientation supposed to give consent to someone that is 10 years their senior? And we, as a society, absolve them of accountability? 

We need to fix this "oversight." 

Suffice it to say, civic engagement is necessary for laws that reflect the will of the people. 

Contact your elected representatives, and let them know how you feel about this. I certainly will.

Enough of this absurdity. 



Image Source: LA Times article:

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

It's About US



Combination of the two, plus me and you. 

Come on, folks, we can do this!

I hope you are feeling what I am feeling:


Energetic, not apathetic.

Cautiously optimistic. 

Grateful for Kamala Harris' supportive parents and family. This is a moment in time to be celebrated, but now is when we get to work.

Thank you to everyone who donated to my campaign.  I am planning to check the rules before I do anything with the funds. Current plan is to donate to the Biden/Harris effort and/or down ticket Democrats. 



Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Don't Worry -- Vote

Ok, kids, we know what we have to do, now all we need to do is do it.

Oh, and don't worry -- it (worry, that is) lowers your immune system. We need you to stay healthy, so you can to help us make some "good trouble."


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Universal Truths, Labors of Love

Hey Everybody!

Hope this note finds you well. Thank you to everyone choosing to reduce the viral load in the air by covering your nose and mouth.

Take a break from the stress and let's work together to bring more kindness and beauty into this world, through music. Now, more than ever, we need music.

Thanks for listening.


Update: Did you miss it? 
It will be streamed for free, on 
Thursday, July 30th, 2020 ! 

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Recent (And Not So Recent) Blog Posts

Updated the blog roll. A few posts down on the "Beat," is a screenshot of its stats from several years ago. Depending on how closely you follow world politics, you may find it of interest.

Keep shining your light, wherever you may be.
Eventually, the truth we'll show for all to see.
