Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Ask the Electors

Hello -

If you would like to send an open letter to the electors, check out this website. Please feel free to share.

Have a wonderful day filled with love and kindness.



Monday, November 14, 2016

Next Show : Friday, November 18, 2016 w/ Livin' Like Kings

Blues with some rock and soul for good measure. 9:30 pm

The Saloon
1232 Grant Avenue
San Francisco, CA

Here's my Monday musing about it:

--- mt

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Wise Words for Wednesday, 11/2/2016

"Humility may be the most difficult virtue to learn and maintain. As a society we reward arrogance and “attitude”; and our heroes tend to be loud and brash sports figures, millionaire developers, movie stars, and the like—those kinds of people don’t know, or don’t want to know, what humility is. But of all the virtues, humility is the one that life will teach us if we don’t learn it of our own accord.
A humble person rarely stumbles, the old ones say, because such a person walks with face toward the Earth and can see the path ahead. On the other hand, the arrogant man who walks with his head high to bask in the glory of the moment will stumble often because he is more concerned with the moment than what lays ahead. 
The burden of humility is light because a truly humble person divests himself of the need for recognition. The burden of arrogance, on the other hand, grows heavier day by day. 
In sharing the journey of life, travel with the humble person on the quiet path."

~ Joseph M.Marshall III, The Lakota Way

Sincerest thanks to Scott Swimmer of Drumstrong for the share.

Monday, September 19, 2016

On Talking by Kahlil Gibran

On Talking
 Kahlil Gibran

You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts;
And when you can no longer dwell in the solitude of your heart
you live in your lips,
and sound is a diversion and a pastime.
And in much of your talking, thinking is half murdered.
For thought is a bird of space,
that in a cage of words may indeed unfold its wings but cannot fly.
There are those among you who seek the talkative through fear of being alone.
The silence of aloneness reveals to their eyes their naked selves and they would escape.
And there are those who talk,
and without knowledge or forethought
reveal a truth which they themselves do not understand.

And there are those who have the truth within them, but they tell it not in words.
In the bosom of such as these the spirit dwells in rhythmic silence.
 When you meet your friend on the roadside or in the market place,
let the spirit in you move your lips and direct your tongue.
Let the voice within your voice speak to the ear of his ear;
For his soul will keep the truth of your heart
as the taste of the wine is remembered
When the colour is forgotten and the vessel is no more.

Monday, September 12, 2016

A Musical Metaphor for Life from Miles Davis via Herbie Hancock

I shared this quote on the Homestead Beat a couple of weeks ago :

"It's not the note you play that's the wrong note - it's the note you play afterwards that makes it right or wrong."   Miles Davis

Here's a video that helps place it in better context:

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Musings : July 26, 2016

"When you know yourself, you are empowered. When you accept yourself, you are invincible." Tina Lifford

Nobody is perfect - but some people are more qualified to be President than others.

Look at it this way. We can either join the Party and make music in the living room, or be one of the grumpy neighbors complaining about the noise from outside.

I'm in.
Thank you, Bernie.


Saturday, July 16, 2016

Musings : 7/16/2016

Hey Everybody!

Hope this note finds you well and happy and using your powers for good...if not, sending love and light. Thanks for stopping by... I find myself up at an odd hour, sleep interrupted by the sounds of Radiohead emanating from our home studio, so I figure now is as good a time as any to send a note out to the world to let you know it's time for our once every six weeks or so show at the old Saloon in North Beach...

So looking forward to spending some time amongst friends, bathed in the healing power of music! Seems like as good a time as any (yes, I'm being redundant) to belt out some blues. Although we all understand, at least as some gut level, that humans have been engaged in conflict since the dawn of man, I still find it incomprehensible at how cruel we can be with each other and how many negative images we are bombarded with on a daily basis. I don't know, maybe part of the reason Pokemon Go is so popular is we need an escape. Or augmented reality is the cure for population growth...?

Whenever I'm feeling down, I remind myself that "everything is temporary" which means bad or good, so let's focus on the good! Let's create a better world together. 


Saloon : 9:30 pm, 7/16/2016, 1232 Grant Avenue, San Francisco.

p.s. I'm available for more work. Here's my Linked In profile

Friday, July 8, 2016

Twitter Feed : @maritamburo

Posts from my facebook page go to twitter :

Monday, June 13, 2016

Gun Control

Here's a Daily Show segment about gun control - published in 2013.

In the past eight years, has President Obama really had to address the press eighteen times about a mass shooting?

Think about THAT.

--- MMT

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Thanks to everyone who took the time and a leap of faith to cast a vote in my direction. It looks as if Dennis Rodoni and Dominic Grossi are going to be in the runoff in November.
Honestly, we did better than expected, considering all the stiff competition.
Time to get back to Plan A!


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Best of Luck to All the Candidates Today

Best of luck to all the candidates today. Thanks for your willingness to serve.

--- MMT

I have to admit, one of my favorite moments of the campaign was seeing this on twitter - it made me laugh. : 

Re: Dick Spotswood: Voters have a lot of choice in the 4th District race

I feel the need to respond to Dick Spotswood's statement in his recent recap of the Distruct 4 candidates. I will spare an analysis of his bias and just respond to this statement : 
"Singer/songwriter Mari Tamburo of Homestead Valley is certainly no status-quo proponent but her quixotic campaign is mostly about opposing the county’s construction of sidewalks in her bucolic community."

My campaign is not "mostly about opposing the county's construction of sidewalks..." 

True, opposing the County's illegal and environmentally irresponsible concrete slab is how I entered local politics. My campaign is an effort to continue to clean up the mess that County has made of Homestead Valley. I see a community in pain and I have the desire and knowledge to help bring our community together. Plus, I have the desire and skill set needed to prevent the same bad process from dividing another community.
I can no longer afford to volunteer my time. It's that simple. 

...if it is idealistic to expect our elected officials to respect our local community plans and not steal money - that explains why I #FeeltheBern - It wasn't about the sidewalk. That was just how I got drawn into local politics. It was about the corrupt process and total disrespect for my neighbors. Plus, the lame idea that just because there is money for something, we should build it.

Related :

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Twitter feed

If you want to follow the adventure for the next few days, follow this Twitter feed :

[Livin' Like Kings] Thanks and...

Thanks again to everyone who came out to help us raise a little bit of money for the San Geronimo Arts Fund - especially the musicians : Willow, Dore, Roberta, Pat Campbell, Meg, Robin, Tomas and his awesome band - and last but not least, my dear friends Livin' Like Kings : Richard, Pat, Arne and David.

Livin' Like Kings is on extended break as we work on finishing the album.

Arne has put out his producer shingle. If you know of a band looking for an experienced producer and they have a budget, check out the Plant Studios website.

Please be sure to vote on June 7th, especially if you live in Marin County's District 4 -

vote Mari "Mari Mack" Tamburo  - 4 Supervisor!


p.s. - Get ready for the next phase of "Save the Palace of Fine Arts" - as you may already know, the community effort to prevent inappropriate development into a luxury hotel has resulted in the withdrawal of two proposals. Now we have to request a new RFCP process.
If you would like to be involved, please join our group on facebook :

If you want to stay updated on Mari Mack &/or Livin' Like Kings  :

Source :

Thursday, June 2, 2016

June 2, 2016 : Orange for Gun Violence Awareness

Dear Friends :

I changed my blog header to the orange graphic that our neighbor Kristen made back in April for our campaign. I'm going to keep it there for a while. Orange for gun violence awareness.

Gun violence is something that hits home for me, because when I was eighteen years old, I watched my family be torn apart by a single gunshot. I will never forget the look on my mother's face when she went to my cousin's house. It was early on a Thursday morning, my cousin Karen and I had just returned from one of our all night adventures, where we had been terribly lost on Long Island and were giggling all the way home. The giggling stopped the moment I opened the door to see a look of horror on my mother's face. She looked as if she hadn't slept all night.
"There's been an accident," she said. Silence. I pleaded for more information "What kind of accident? A car accident? Who?" The seconds felt like hours. "Not a car accident, no. A gun accident."
A gun? I knew then it had to be my brother, Petey. He was the only one in our family who had a gun. "Where was he shot?" I searched my mind for what I thought could be the least lethal place someone could be hit by a bullet. "Was it in the leg?" My mother looked back, shook her head and said, "No, his head. The bullet is in his head."

He hung on in a coma for twenty four hours and then his light went back to the universe. Our family was never the same. We made attempts to come together, but every time we gathered seemed to only amplify the loss.

I started writing a song to express my grief, but couldn't finish it for a long time. Here it is:

No parent should ever bury a child. It upsets the natural order. My heart and prayers go out to anyone who has ever lost a loved one.



Monday, May 23, 2016

Environment : Safety and Sustainability

Pesticides : I will work to remove pesticides and herbicides from use in our County and establish a permaculture approach to all landscape projects.

Bike/Ped : I believe in providing safe AND sustainable bike/ped infrastructure to encourage walking and biking.

Federal funding for transportation projects : I will work to bring funding to areas of most need. If elected, the days of spending one million dollars to build four block impervious sidewalks so a handful of people can have a "more convenient walk to the yogurt store" will be over.
So will waiting more than six years for a supposedly "safer route to schools" that ends up being quite the opposite.

Reminder : Register by TODAY : May 23rd to Vote June 7th

Dear Friends :

Please remember to register today to vote in the primary on June 7th!

Thank you for being engaged in civic process.

Best Regards,

Saturday, May 21, 2016

“I don’t believe in littering our beautiful landscape with signs.”

Point Reyes Light Article About Campaign Signs Littering Our Landscape: 
Ms. Tamburo, meanwhile, said she may distribute a few recycled “I Love Marin” bumper stickers she’s collected from the county fair and repurposed as an advertisement. “Just a few creative snips here and there, and now it says ‘Mari’ on it,” she said. “I don’t believe in littering our beautiful landscape with signs.”
Here's one way to creatively repurpose the Marin County Visitors' Bureau bumper sticker :

A fresh perspective and a couple of scissor snips gives you two messages : "I Love You" AND "Vote Mari" 
You can use one, the other - or both. 

Imagine if a bunch of us had "I Love You" messages on our cars. Might reduce road rage while we are sitting in traffic! 
Think about it. 

--- MMT 

p.s. : To get your bumper sticker (already paid with your tax dollars) call : 1-866-925-2060 
or just sign up for the Marin Visitor Bureau e-newsletter by clicking this link and scrolling to the bottom of the page :

p.p.s. : Also, here's another idea - analog version : grab an old copy of Marin magazine, tear off the cover,  a pair of scissors and some tape - attach it to your car or house window (from the inside, of course.)

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Marin Watersheds Packet for Homeowners Elevation Program

This is the information mentioned at the May 18th Candidate Forum - although the deadlne is past to receive assistance in filling out the form before the June deadline. please call if you have questions.

Related :

Stormwater credits idea

The Voiceless have a Voice : A Journalist's Job is to Amplify It

Sharing this story because it reflects my view of what a public servant should be - a voice for the voiceless. An advocate for the people.

Candidate Forums : Video of Corte Madera Candidate Forum May 18th : Upcoming May 19th & 21st

Video from May 18th Forum :

May 19th : Muir Woods Park Community Association : On May 19, 2016 at 7:00pm Muir Woods Park Community Association is hosting a "Meet the Candidates Night" moderated by IJ columnist Dick Spotswood at the clubhouse - 49 Ridge Ave. which is just off Panoramic Highway in Mill Valley. This was not taped.

May 20th : Mari Mack & Livin' Like Kings plus friends Tomas D., Dore Coller, Roberta Donnay, Willow Van de Hoek, at the the San Geronimo Valley Community Center - a benefit for their arts fund. I had originally intended this to be a benefit for the Affordable Housing Association, but they passed on our offer to help so as not to make it seem as if they were endorsing my candidacy. Politics is a funny thing. So, hopefully, after the election, we can do another show as a benefit for that organization. The SGVCC has a wonderful vibe - it's everything that a community center should be. First did a gig there about 20 years ago with Greggs Eggs. Sending love and light to all. Hope you can make it.

May 21st : Candidate Forum and potluck hosted by Homestead Valley Community Association : 4:30 - 8pm  :  315 Montford Avenue, Mill Valley. Parking is limited.

Related :
May 6th, 2016 :
May 9th, 2016 :
May 18th, 2016 :

Saturday, May 14, 2016

May 18th : Lion's Club of Corte Madera Candidate's Night, Blues for Bernie at Slim's

May 18th :

Inline image 1  Lions Club of Corte Madera

Candidates Night  : Wednesday the 18th at our Community Center at 498 Tamalpais Drive.  Doors open at 6:15pm, and we plan to get underway by 6:55pm
The Lions Club, as a non-political service organization, will not be making any endorsement.

Later that evening : 

I am thrilled to announce that Tommy Castro has invited me to join his set at the "Blues for Bernie" event at Slim's in San Francisco. This show also features Lavay Smith & Her Red Hot Skillet Lickers, Terrie Odabi, The Bey Paule Band!
Very excited to just share in this historical moment in some small way. So generous of him - definitely comes from the Johnny Nitro school of kumbaya blues.

Slim's Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 7:00 PM (PDT) San Francisco, CA
Here is the facebook event :
Tickets are $27.00 - all proceeds go to the Bernie campaign

Feel the Bern!

May 15 : Grand Opening : Bernie Office Opens in Mill Valley :

Hello Again!

Hope to see you at the Grand Opening for the Mill Valley Bernie Headquarters :
May 15th - 1- 5 pm : 239 Miller Avenue #4
I visited the office just the other day - it's upstairs in the back. Yellow Victorian, just after the Marin Horizon School Toddler Cottage (I kid you not.)

RSVP here  :

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Call for Support : Democracy for Action Endorsement Process

Dear Friends and Supporters :
Our campaign is under consideration for a Democracy for America endorsement. Please take a moment to voice your support. Thanks in advance!

--- MMT

To learn more about the endorsement process, please go here.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

What's a Nice Singer Like You Doing in a Race for Supervisor?

Congratulations, you found the website of the blues and soul singer who is running for Marin County Supervisor.

Why? I'm running because I think I have something to contribute.

I'm not a politician. I do not want to become a politician. I just want to serve. Politicians are sales people. Public servants are customer service people. I have a customer service background.

What inspired me to run? My experience during that RIDICULOUS million dollar slab that was built with funding from a grant application full of false information - remember that?

Read the full post on Medium 

Press : Marin IJ Overview of All District 4 Candidates

Be sure to check out the comments. Very enlightening - further proof that we need to tap into the brainpower of our community!


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Upcoming Events : May 2016

Monday, May 9th, 7:00 pm in the San Rafael City Council Chambers, 1400 Fifth Street, San Rafael. Please carpool!

Thursday, May 12th, 7:00 pm : Sustainability Counts! with ALL the Candidates from District 2,3,4 (not Judges candidates.) San Rafael City Council Chanbers, 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA

May 18th, 7:00 pm : Corte Madera Candidates' Forum : District 4 Candidates
Corte Madera Community Center 498 Tamalpais Dr, Corte Madera, California 94925

May 19th, 7:00 pm : Thursday, May 19 at 7 PM - 8 PM  : Muir Woods Community Clubhouse 49 Ridge Ave, Mill Valley

Friday May 20th : Mari Mack and Friends : Songs of Hope and Change : w/ Roberta Donnay, more artists TBA : Let's gather up our creative friends at San Geronimo Valley Community Center to raise some funds for the San Geronimo Valley Affordable Housing Association! This is a grassroots solution to a growing problem - and it's scalable!

More info :
The San Geronimo Valley Affordable Housing Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that owns and operates three shared housing units rented to six low-income seniors on Sage Lane, and the Mobile Home Park with 19 owner occupied spaces on Sir Francis Drake Boulevard in Forest Knolls. It is their intention to create, preserve and manage affordable housing in the San Geronimo Valley of Northern California.
Vision: We envision a culturally diverse and vibrant San Geronimo Valley community that retains its unique, rural and natural qualities while offering housing opportunities for people of all income levels and walks of life.

btw- I'm inviting all the other candidates on May 20th so we can have a chance to meet and mingle in a less formal setting. -
San Geronimo Valley is a valley in Marin County, California, composed of four unincorporated towns: Woodacre, San Geronimo, Forest Knolls, and Lagunitas. Residents of San Geronimo Valley and surrounding areas refer to it as "The Valley." Wikipedia
Address6350 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Geronimo, CA 94963

Saturday May 21st : 4 - 8 pm : Homestead Valley Community Center, 315 Montford Avenue, Mill Valley - this one is a potluck as well as a forum, so come early if you want to ingest some tasty homemade treats.

Thanks and keep doing what makes your heart sing - and together, we'll create a more peaceful, organic world.


Related :

Friday, May 6, 2016

Worth Watching : Voter Rights and Recidivism

When we restore voting rights to ex felons, we welcome valuable perspective to the voting process and reduce recidivism  - when we have a stake in the community, we are more likely to take care of it.

District 4 Candidates Forum : May 9th, 7:00 pm in San Rafael

League of Women Voters' Public forum for the District 4 Supervisor race on at the San Rafael City Council Chambers
1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael

National : Recommended Read : Bill Moyers on a Contested Convention

Sustainability Counts : Candidates Forum : May 12th

Well, it's  good thing we cancelled that May 12th show. Good thing a Supervisor has two aides. I feel as if I'm on a regiona

Election forum for the candidates for Supervisor
Thursday May 12, 2016 @ 6:30-9pm
San Rafael Community Center * 618 B St, San Rafael, CA 94901

Candidates Forum

May 12 2016
6:30-9 pm
San Rafael Community Center

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Conversation : Bikes on Trails

OK, kids - here's the way I see it. The cornerstone of my campaign is increased communication - I made a statement in the IJ about my current position about bikes on trails. So far, the research I have done gives me pause on this issue.
I received a letter from a citizen who wants to change my mind about it and he makes some good points. I want to know how you feel about bikes on trails AND your proposed solutions to potential conflicts. Reason being, I never claimed to have all the answers, so I'm reaching out to the collective creativity that exists in our community.
If you are not on facebook,  please send an email to me about your thoughts on this subject. mari4marincounty (at) gmail (dot) com



Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Reminder : Wednesday, May 4th at the Dance Palace, Point Reyes Station

Directions to the Dance Palace from Novato Take Novato Boulevard out past Stafford Lake to the Point Reyes-Petalumna Road. Turn left when you come to the stop sign at Point Reyes Petaluma Road. At the stop sign by the bridge, turn right, following the sign to Point Reyes. The Point Reyes-Petaluma Road deadends at Highway One north of town. Turn left, going south on Highway One. At the botton of the hill, Highway One takes a big left-hand turn and goes through town. Don't turn; instead, go straight one block to the stop sign. Turn right at the stop sign, onto B Street, go one block to the corner of 5th and B, and you will see the Dance Palace on your left.

 Directions to the Dance Palace from the East Bay Take Highway 580 across the Richmond San Rafael bridge to Highway 101 North. Take the Central San Rafael exit, going west. This will put you Third Street which then becomes Sir Francis Drake Boulevard. Stay on Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, through San Anselmo, Fairfax, Woodacre, San Geronimo, Lagunitas, and Samuel Taylor State Park, until Sir Francis Drake Boulevard deadends at Highway One in Olema. Turn right, going north, on Highway One. Go approximately four miles into the town of Point Reyes Station. As you come into town, you will cross a small green bridge. The first left after the bridge is "B" Street. Turn left. Go four blocks, to the corner of 5th & B Streets, where you will see the Dance Palace on your left.

 Directions to the Dance Palace from San Rafael Take Third Street west, which then becomes Sir Francis Drake Boulevard. Stay on Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, through San Anselmo, Fairfax, Woodacre, San Geronimo, Lagunitas, and Samuel Taylor State Park, until Sir Francis Drake Boulevard deadends at Highway One in Olema. Turn right, going north, on Highway One. Go approximately four miles into the town of Point Reyes Station. As you come into town, you will cross a small green bridge. The first left after the bridge is "B" Street. Turn left. Go four blocks, to the corner of 5th & B Streets, where you will see the Dance Palace on your left. OR Take Lucas Valley Road west until it dead-ends at Nicasio Valley Road. Turn right, go through the town of Nicasio, and out to the Point Reyes-Petaluma Road. Turn left. When you come to the stop sign, turn right to go over the bridge. The PR-Petaluma Road will deadend at Highway One. Turn left (south) down the hill. At the bottom of the hill, Highway one takes a complete left hand turn through town. Do not turn; go straight one block to the stop sign. Then turn right on B Street, go one block, and you will see the Dance Palace on your left.

 Directions to the Dance Palace from Petaluma Take 101 South to the East Washington Street exit. Turn right on East Washington, and follow it to Petaluma Boulevard. Turn left on Petaluma Boulevard and drive through town. Turn right on D Street, which becomes the Point Reyes-Petaluma Road. The Point Reyes-Petaluma Road deadends at Highway One north of town. Turn left, going south on Highway One. At the botton of the hill, Highway One takes a big left-hand turn and goes through town. Don't turn; instead, go straight one block to the stop sign. Turn right at the stop sign, onto B Street, go one block to the corner of 5th and B, and you will see the Dance Palace on your left. Printer-friendly version

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Endorsement : Edward Denebeim

"...when it comes to jobs, housing, planning, inclusion, culture, behavioral health, Mari Tamburo has the life history and interest to make a difference and improve quality of life for people and other living things. " Edward Denebeim

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Endorsement : Evolve California!

Mari Tamburo, Candidate for Marin County Supervisor
Congratulations! Evolve’s Board of Directors voted to endorse you in the June 7th Primary Election.
You may list Evolve California on your website or campaign literature as being officially endorsed by our organization. Next week, we will notify our members of our endorsements and put all our endorsed candidates on our website. 
We need more people like you in office in order to move California forward. Best of luck in your campaign!
Campaign Director

update : they endorsed 5 of the 8 candidates for D4

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Candidate Forums

Board of Supervisors, District 4 :

Wednesday, May 4, 7:00 pm, Dance Palace, Point Reyes Station

Monday, May 9, 7:00pm,  San Rafael City Hall, 1400 Fifth Ave., San Rafael

Friday, April 22, 2016

Reminder : Tonight at Vines in San Anselmo

Friday April 22nd, I'll be sitting in to jam on some jazzy tunes with RPM
Richard Wood on B3, Pat Duffey on mellow guitar, Martin Cunningham on drums plus special guest Dan Duffin on bass. They'll start at around 7:00 pm
I'll sit in starting at around 8:30 pm
Address: 906 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Anselmo, CA 94960
So, if anyone wants to talk politics outside, come hang out. 
Hopefully, the weather will cooperate. 
I am still collecting donations for campaign expenses. 
I'm not going to litter our landscape with plastic signage, but we have a lot of ground to cover in District 4. 
Please contact me at 415-789-6274 if you would like to help out by making a sign or two!

Save the date : May 12th - I'm gathering some friends to help raise money for the Throckmorton Theatre's Youth Scholarship Program. I guess it might make more sense to raise money for my campaign, but I usually don't do the usual, I do what feels right to me. 
More details to follow. I promise you it will be a fun time.
Again, please contact me if you can volunteer some time to help out with this event.

Thank again for your support! 


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

4/20, 4/21 Candidates' Forums, Recent Press Articles

April 20 : District 4 Candidates Forum in Lagunitas, 1 Lagunitas Road, in the school multipurpose room. The school is located just behind the San Geronimo Valley Community Center, 6350 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard. (I just did a gig with my friend Jose there this past Sunday.) btw - I also posted on Nextdoor.

Thursday, April 21st : Women's Political Action Committee Endorsement event :
"MWPAC is holding its endorsement night, Thursday, April 21, 7 p.m. at the San Rafael City Council Chambers, 1400 5th Ave. We will be covering the Supervisors and Judicial races and candidates will be speaking. Members also will be voting on endorsing in the Senate race. The meeting is open to the public, but only MWPAC members can vote. A reception will be held beforehand at Whippersnapper, 1613 Fourth St, where you can informally meet the candidates. It begins at 5:30. Cost is $20. No charge to candidates."

This Friday April 22nd, I'll be sitting in to jam on some jazzy tunes with RPM
Richard Wood on B3, Pat Duffey on mellow guitar, Martin Cunningham on drums plus special guest Dan Duffin on bass. They'll start at around 7:00 pm
I'll sit in starting at around 8:30 pm
So, if anyone wants to talk politics outside, come hang out. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate. I am still collecting donations for campaign expenses. I'm not going to litter our landscape with plastic signage. Please contact me at 415-789-6274 if you would like to help out by making a sign out of recycled/upcycled something or other.

Save the date : May 12th - I'm gathering some friends to help raise money for the Throckmorton Theatre's Youth Scholarship Program. I guess it would make more sense to raise money for my campaign, but I usually don't do the usual, I do what feels right to me.
More details to follow. I promise you it will be a fun time.
Again, please contact me if you can volunteer some time to help out with this event.

I'd like to share a couple of articles with you.  This came out on April 7th in the Point Reyes Light. I sound a bit like I'm rambling at times, because Samantha Kimmey is very easy to talk to so I felt as if I was chatting with a friend :

This IJ article was brought to my attention yesterday afternoon :

When I was invited to participate in this particular article, I was told that we were going to be given a list of questions, each of the eight candidates was going to answer and it would be published as such : a question would be listed and then the candidates' answers would follow. That didn't happen. Apparently, there wasn't enough room in the paper. Such is life in the real world. We expect one thing and get another.

Monday, April 18, 2016

[ A Vehicle for Change ] Palace of Fine Arts Update

Backers of the two hotel proposals for the Palace of Fine Arts have backed out of the bidding process. One proposal remains and there is still much work to be done. The RFCP was flawed in that it placed the burden of $20 million dollars in upgrades on the prospective tenant.
"Two of the three qualifying respondents, TMG and Equity Community Builders, have now informed the Department that they will not submit final proposals as contemplated by the RFP. Their specific proposals were reliant on leveraging Federal Historic Tax Credits as part of a financing strategy. After further analysis TMG and Equity Community Builders have each independently concluded the ability to obtain federal tax credits is not sufficiently certain due to potential historic preservation requirements that could significantly limit or eliminate the windows necessary for lodging.
The Department is continuing with the RFP process with the one remaining party who qualified, SFMAP. SFMAP’s final submittal will be due on May 20, 2016. The evaluation committee and the Department will carefully analyze that proposal under the terms and conditions of the RFP to determine whether the proposal satisfies all necessary criteria and whether the Department should proceed to negotiate with SFMAP or pursue alternative options for the building."
Before any future use is proposed, the building should be restored.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the collective voice thus far.

You may still join this effort by signing the original petition and joining the facebook group.

--- MMT

Related :

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Homestead Beat : Popular Posts : Week Ending 4/17/2016

The Homestead Beat is a blog I started in August 2010, shortly after receiving a letter from the County about a "Safer Route to Schools." It appears that some folks in the neighborhood are just catching up to the story. This is what makes communication the cornerstone of my campaign. Community begins with communication.

--- MMT

This Week : 4/17/2016

Good Morning, Friends!

Thanks for coming out yesterday to Mill Valley Music!
Special thanks to neighbor Kristen Garneau for our new campaign logo.

For a pdf, please email us at mari4marincounty (at) gmail (dot) com

Please subscribe to my facebook / twitter feeds for last minute updates or call 415-789-6274 and leave a message to set up a meeting.

Come celebrate Earth Day with some wine and music at Vines in San Anselmo on April 22nd  - 7 -10 pm

(415) 521-5500

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Reminder : Meet Me at Mill Valley Music : Happy Record Store Day!

Hello Everyone!

Hope you are having a beautiful day and taking full advantage of every opportunity to use your powers for good!

I'm hitching a ride onto Record Store Day for my official campaign kickoff at Mill Valley Music today - if you are local, please stop by - I'll be there from 9 - NOON.

Then, from 2 - 4pm, I'll be with my co-candidates at the Al Boro Community Center in the Canal.
Free admission!
Free food!
Free activities for kids!
Free voting information!
When: Saturday, April 16
2:00-4:00 PM
Where: Al Boro Community Center
50 Canal Street, San Rafael 
As you may already know, District 4 is a very large district, spanning from Corte Madera, through the Canal and all the way out to beautiful West Marin. Check the map link for more information.

If you believe in preservation of what is left of this beautiful County, as well as support for our ost vulnerable citizens, please visit my site, vote for me on June 7, 2016, volunteer, tell your friends and donate to my campaign.



CALL for Musicians: Are you available on May 12th? Please leave a message on the HEAR US : Homestead line. 415-779-4941

Recommended reading :

SF Democratic Party passes revolution in support of open source funding

"Why Hardly Anyone Dies from a Drug Overdose in Portugal  : legalization and treatment

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Saturday Events : Mill Valley, San Rafael


9am - 12:00 NOON : Mill Valley Music, 320 Miller Avenue, Mill Valley Campaign Kickoff!
I'll be there selling some recycled vinyl and getting to know more about matters of concern to the community. Also, we'll be signing up volunteers.

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm : Al Boro Community Center, 50 Canal Street, San Rafael

Let's Vote Marin! Join us on April 16 for a free community event:
Meet candidates for Supervisor in your District 4
Hear about measures on the ballot - Learn more about voting and registering to vote
Bring the family and have some fun: 
FREE admission! Free food! Free activities for kids! Free voting information!
When: Saturday, April 16 - 2:00-4:00 PM
Where: Al Boro Community Center - 50 Canal Street, San Rafael
Election Day is on June 7 - Let's Vote Marin!
¡Vamos a votar, Marin! ¡Vamos a votar Mari!
Acompáñanos este 16 de abril a un evento comunitario gratis:
Conoce a los candidatos para Supervisor en tu Distrito 4
Aprende sobre las medidas que estarán en la papeleta de votaciones
Aprende más acerca de cómo votar y cómo registrarte para votar
Trae a tu familia y diviértanse:
¡La admisión es gratis!
¡Habrá comida gratis!
¡Actividades gratis para los niños!
¡Información sobre las votaciones gratis!
Cuándo: Sábado 16 de abril
2:00-4:00 pm
Dónde: Al Boro Community Center
50 Canal Street, San Rafael
El día de las elecciones es el 7 de junio
¡Vamos a votar, Marin! 
¡Vamos a votar Mari!

¡Vamos a votar, Marin! ¡Vamos a votar Mari!

¡Vamos a votar Marin! ¡Vamos a votar Mari!
Acompáñanos este 16 de abril a un evento comunitario gratis:
Conoce a los candidatos para Supervisor en tu Distrito 4
Aprende sobre las medidas que estarán en la papeleta de votaciones
Aprende más acerca de cómo votar y cómo registrarte para votar
Trae a tu familia y diviértanse:
¡La admisión es gratis!
¡Habrá comida gratis!
¡Actividades gratis para los niños!
¡Información sobre las votaciones gratis!
Cuándo: Sábado 16 de abril
2:00-4:00 pm
Dónde: Al Boro Community Center
50 Canal Street, San Rafael
El día de las elecciones es el 7 de junio

¡Vamos a votar Marin! 
¡Vamos a votar Mari!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday Wisdom : 4/13/2016

"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others." Jonathan Swift

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Time Change : Campaign Kickoff! April 16th at Mill Valley Music!

4/16/2016 9am - NOON
Mill Valley Music
320 Miller Avenue
Mill Valley, CA

Mari Tamburo

Official Campaign Kickoff for Marin County District 4 Supervisor! 
if you can't make it and would like to support the campaign - 
please send an online donation via Paypal to:
mari4marincounty (at) gmail (dot) com - 
or send a check, 
payable to "Mari Tamburo campaign" 
c/o Mill Valley Music, 320 Miller Avenue, Mill Valley, CA 94941 - Thanks! It is an honor to serve.

[HEAR US] Transportation Equity Bills

I just want to let you know about these transportation equity bills currently under consideration - and express another very sincere "thank you" to the those of you who had the courage to speak up during that mess of a Private/Public Works project, aka the million dollar "Safer Route" which then became a million dollar "more convenient walk to the yogurt store and Whole Foods."  :


APRIL 13th
Veteran's Memorial Auditorium
1351 Maple Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95404


This appears to be a shameless attempt to limit public access to the coast. I would say I'm shocked, but unfortunately, I am not.

Sincerest thanks to neighbor Miranda Daley of Homestead Valley for the heads up on this issue.
Please refer to her post in Nextdoor for more information. You must be a member of Nextdoor to view the post. I will update on my main website as more information becomes available.

"WE the people" - it's not just a slogan!

-- MT

FREE - Our Coast from Sashwa Burrous on Vimeo.

Related :

Friday, April 8, 2016

Endorsement : Drummond Pike

" I admire your leadership." Drummond Pike

I am very grateful for and honored by this endorsement.

--- Mari Tamburo

Record Store Day / Official Campaign Kickoff! April 16th!!!

Come on down - it's a FUNdraiser!!!

No tickets needed - but if you can't make it and want to help support our campaign for grassroots representation at the County level - please RSVP to the facebook event so more people can see it - and/or send a campaign donation via paypal to:  mari4marincounty (at) gmail (dot) com

"Truth has no agenda"



Campaign donate button.

Please send checks, payable to "Mari Tamburo Campaign" to

Mari Tamburo Campaign
c/o Mill Valley Music
320 Miller Avenue
Mill Valley, CA 94941

You may also support this campaign by purchasing my music -

Thanks for your support.

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