Saturday, December 12, 2020

Benefit Concert for Fair Fight And The Ossoff/Warnock Campaigns: Georgia Voices For A Blue Senate

These are times that require empathetic, committed and experienced leadership. Until we are able to remove money from politics, we have to understand the current reality. 
When some folks do not play by the rules, it takes more of us to engage in the process. 
This is the only way we can create a more effective union of self governance.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Love and Light

 Wishing you the ability to see the light and feel the love within. I don't imagine that many folks will see this blog entry, but the point is, I expressed it. 



Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A Home for Icelynn and Greg

I shared this story on my facebook feed recently. 
Thankfully, one of Greg's friends starred a GoFundMe. 
Please read, share, and if you can, donate. 


A Home for Icelynn and Greg