Saturday, November 30, 2019

America's Watershed Moment

Please pardon typos. I'm on my phone

There is lots of talk lately about a "Green New Deal" -- it's being promoted by Senator Bernie Samders and the grassroots organization that helped elect AOC. I admire and respect bold ideas, yet am not a fan of the top down, government mandated programs, for several reasons. For more information, please refer to the blogs I created to document the Evergreen mess, or contact me for a discussion. There are many lessons to be learned from our collective experiences. 

Oftentimes, the best ideas originate in neighborhood communities and "one size fits all" does not necessarily yield the best result. Maybe for a few, but not all, and often not most.

That said, I support the concept of a "Green New Deal," but feel it may not be holistic enough. Our environment is in crisis mode, and water is key to our survival.
There are plenty of scalable solutions out there, already working. What we need to do is shine a spotlight on them, provide incentives and support neighborhoods who choose to avail themselves of these ideas and projects.

For one example, please take a look at this story about rooftop farms:

It's one tool in the toolbox.

We need a watershed approach to governing. There has never been a better time than now.


Thursday, November 28, 2019
