Thursday, October 12, 2023

Saturday October 14th, 4 - 8 pm

 Saturday, October 14th, 2023 - 1232 Grant Avenue, San Francisco, CA, 4 - 8 pm 

Pat Duffey and Dave Powell will be playing, so expect some surprises! 


Saturday, September 23, 2023

FTC Files Lawsuit Against Private Equity in Health Care

Sharing this for readers interested in the rising price of health care, as we all should be, although, yes, just another thing to worry about. 

Well, best not to worry, because all it does is lower your immune system, which makes you sick. 

FTC has filed a lawsuit, "challenges USAP and Welsh Carson’s multi-year anticompetitive scheme to consolidate anesthesia practices in Texas, drive up the price of anesthesia services provided to Texas patients, and increase their own profits."

For more information, check out this article on Substack. 

Friday, September 22, 2023

Every Day and Sunday!

Every day is a new day, a new opportunity to make someone smile, to learn something new! 

I've been on a new adventure this past week, working hard to finance my next album project, and am very excited to be singing at The Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival this weekend! 

We hit the downbeat on Sunday. September 24th at 1:00 pm at the Old Mill Park Amphitheatre, just behind the library, which is a mini version of the McHenry library at UC Santa Cruz...but I digress.  

I've been looking forward to this gig for quite some time, because if you know me at all, you know that redwood trees are my church, and this is right smack in the middle of a redwood grove. 

Hope to see you! 



Friday, September 8, 2023

September Shows


I'll be singing Saturday, September 9th from 4 - 8 pm at the world famous Saloon in North Beach, with my Livin' Like Kings project! 

for more details:

Have a great day/night/weekend/week/month/year/life! 



Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Save the Date : July 22nd

Mari Mack & Livin' Like Kings  at it again - this will be an extra fun one, because we have the 4 -  8 shift on July 22nd, followed by the return of Barry "The Fish" Melton to The Saloon at 9:30. 

I hope you are treating yourself well. It makes life more enjoyable. 



Monday, June 5, 2023

Saloon : June 10th 4 - 8 pm

 Once again, I will be singing to release many feelings, and to hopefully, give you an opportunity to feel some of your own. It seems that living in this world requires that we shut off our feelings merely to survive. I can't accept that.

June 10th, 4 - 8 pm, The Saloon, 1232 Grant Avenue, San Francisco, CA 

I wish you the best possible week until that moment you can spent a few hours with us, and then, we will allow our spirits to soar. If you have other plans, I understand, and will miss you. 



Friday, May 19, 2023

Saturday 5/20 4 - 8 in San Francisco


1232 Grant Avenue  - be there or not 

- it's your choice! 

We may be Livin' Like Kings, but we believe in freedom! 

p.s. Please be sure to send a note to the powers that be who are making bad decisions about SF parking meters! 



Thursday, May 18, 2023

Grateful for This Day

Good Morning!

Grateful for this day. 

A couple of things that may inspire you to take action:

In that never ending quest to remove folks from their cars,  squeeze more money out of folks who can barely afford it, and killing what is left of nightlife in our still beloved Little City,  SFMTA is soliciting feedback about their stupid plan to extend parking meter feed hours to 10 pm on weekdays as well as Sunday afternoons. 
If you go to their website, you can read some ridiculous sales pitch about how increasing parking meter hours is supposed to reduce carbon emissions. They are soliciting feedback - please write them to let you know this is a horrible idea at

Thanks to Leah Garchik for the heads up. 

Some folks think that we need more high-rises in Marin. 
If you haven't been paying attention, it's because you probably have been busy trying to survive. Get ready for the next California Gold Rush, or get ready to form a community housing trust. 
I can hardly wait to see what tomorrow may bring. 

I'm singing on May 20th. See you at The Saloon, 4 - 8 pm. 

Have the best day you can possibly have today. 


Saturday, May 6, 2023

The Landfill Diversion Project

"Landfill Diversion Project"

Start: Marin Open Studios 2023
Targeted Completion: Marin Open Studios 2024 

Artist Statement: A performance art journey into our attachment to "stuff, in holding on and letting go.

 Over the years, we collect things. I have reached the point where I find myself surrounded by so much "stuff" that it does not add value or serve a purpose, and feels overwhelming and blocking my creativity and life flow. 
Over this next year, I will work on adding value to these items and/or passing items on to someone who can find value in their current form. The main goal is to divert them from landfill and in the process, engage in the art of more creative living.
Join me on this journey, and perhaps we can learn from and inspure each other! 


Monday, April 24, 2023

New Beginnings

 "New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings." - Rumi 

Be kind to yourself today, and share it with the world. 

These are notes I write to myself and share with you. 



Saturday, April 22, 2023

Earth Day/Weekend : Blues and Some Good News

 Hello All! 

Dropping a note in your inbox to say "hello" and to let you know that my friends and I are stoppin' by the old Saloon to play some tunes this afternoon! 

And, in the spirit of Earth Day/Weekend am happy to share that The Saloon has been recycling beer bottles for many of the 161 years in its existence! 

If you are in the neighborhood, come by and say "hi!" We will be there 4 - 8 pm.

Speaking of Earth Day, every day is earth day. 



Sunday, March 12, 2023

Spring Forward | March 12, 2023

Hello Everyone! 

It's that time of year again, when we are to move our clocks forward, shifting an hour of daylight in our social time construct from the morning to the evening. 

If you choose to follow this practice, set your clocks forward before you settle down to sleep. 

Hope the change doesn't hit you that hard on Monday morning. 




Saturday, January 14, 2023

We All Have Troubles

Please understand this post is not intended to dismiss whatever troubles you are experiencing. I'm sharing it because it usually cheers me up. So many days of rain are bound to have an effect on mood! 


Thursday, January 5, 2023

Riding Out the Storms in Life

 I've found it helpful to use storms as metaphors for life. They are great lessons for being present and living in the moment. 

If you are in the middle of a storm, whether literally or figuratively, you either have to shelter from it, or ride it out, depending upon where you are. 

Think about it. 

