Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Re: Dick Spotswood: Voters have a lot of choice in the 4th District race

I feel the need to respond to Dick Spotswood's statement in his recent recap of the Distruct 4 candidates. I will spare an analysis of his bias and just respond to this statement : 
"Singer/songwriter Mari Tamburo of Homestead Valley is certainly no status-quo proponent but her quixotic campaign is mostly about opposing the county’s construction of sidewalks in her bucolic community."

My campaign is not "mostly about opposing the county's construction of sidewalks..." 

True, opposing the County's illegal and environmentally irresponsible concrete slab is how I entered local politics. My campaign is an effort to continue to clean up the mess that County has made of Homestead Valley. I see a community in pain and I have the desire and knowledge to help bring our community together. Plus, I have the desire and skill set needed to prevent the same bad process from dividing another community.
I can no longer afford to volunteer my time. It's that simple. 

...if it is idealistic to expect our elected officials to respect our local community plans and not steal money - that explains why I #FeeltheBern - It wasn't about the sidewalk. That was just how I got drawn into local politics. It was about the corrupt process and total disrespect for my neighbors. Plus, the lame idea that just because there is money for something, we should build it.

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