Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Act Blue Donation Link

I am Mari Tamburo, a singer (p/k/a/ Mari Mack) and grandmother seeking the Democratic nomination for President. You may be thinking "What does a singer know about serving as POTUS?"

For one thing, I have many years of experience bringing people of various ethnic and economic backgrounds and diverse personalities together to have a great time.
Now, as you may already know, this is the exact opposite of what we are used to in politics. 
Political strategy has traditionally been:
divide people, 
say whatever you need to say, 
make promises that cannot be kept, 
just in order to "win."

We have all experienced these tactics from both the so called "right" and "left" side of the political spectrum, and frankly, it's not working for anyone. 
While it may seem to be working for a small minority, in truth,
nobody is winning when our environment is being destroyed in the name of "progress."
The health of our environment -- 
the air, the soil, the water, biodiversity are all suffering as a result of unchecked profiteering.

We need to come together as a nation for the benefit of all, not just the chosen, misguided few.

Are you ready for a true revolution?

Music is a vehicle for change!
Join us on this journey. 
Together, we can reach our destination of a more peaceful, more organic world.

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