Monday, January 21, 2019

1/19/19 Show Recap

Hello There:

Had a fun show Saturday night. We managed to make some good times happen for a roomful of people for a couple of hours. As usual, I did not hold back, but this time, I did not get to sleep in on Sunday to recover, though I managed to grab a few winks on the plane.

This is Ann Cohen, who is an "artist in the moment" to the core. It is rare that you see her without pens and paper; she exudes and documents joy, as you can see from this photo and her artwork below.

Today, I am feeling a mixture of exhaustion, gratitude and melancholy, as I do my best to navigate the process of saying goodbye to my mom. Barring some miracle, it is evident that she is not long for this earth.

We all have a limited amount of time on this earth. It's how we choose to spend it that matters.

May you spend as much as you can with people you love, loving what you are doing.


Ann Cohen, artist

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